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Today, Sep 8, 2024, the National Police Service led by the Ag. IG Mr. Gilbert Masengeli joined the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs in marking the “Harmony4Haiti” cultural festival at the Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi. NPS Officers were deployed in Haiti in June this year following the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 2699 (2023) that authorized deployment of the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, to provide operational support to Haitian National Police in the fight against gangs. So far, MSS which is still in its deployment phase has taken critical infrastructure including airport, port, the National Hospital, the Police Academy, and the National Palace which were previously under the control of gangs 
Notably, normalcy is returning in Haiti, as seen in the current resumption of both international and domestic flighylts..Last week, the US Secretary of State, while visiting  the MSS, acknowledged the indispensable role that MSS is playing in Haiti. The Prime Cabinet Secretary Hon. Musalia Mudavadi today applauded NPS Officers for putting their boots on the ground for the Haitians, and further appealed to other nations to support the MSS both logistically and financially. 
Also present were members of the Diplomatic Corps. Also present were Amb. Dr. Korir Singoei of Foreign Affairs and Deputy National Security Advisor Mr. Joseph Boinnet, both of whom commended the MSS for their dedication to the Mission. Ag. Ig was accompanied by Commandant GSU, Mr. Ranson Lolmodooni, SAIG, Nairobi Regional Police Commander, Mr. Adamson Bungei and NPS Spokesperson Dr. Resila Onyango,  AIG.