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The following is the procedure that any member of the public who wishes to apply for a licence to hold a firearm will follow as provided for in the Firearms Act Cap 114 Laws of Kenya.

• The applicant must obtain from the local Officer Commanding Police Station prescribed forms (Form 1) and fill them in duplicate. The OCS will assist the applicant to complete the forms after which the applicant will be handed over the duplicate copy which he/she should forward to the Central Firearms Bureau at the following address:

Chief Licensing Officer,

Central Firearms Bureau,

P.O. Box 30263,

Nairobi 00100.

• The original copy will be retained by the OCS who will forward it to the Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD). The OCPD will make a comprehensive recommendation on the applicant which will be deliberated on by the District Security Committee (DSC) and the Provincial Security Committee (PSC). The application will be forwarded to the Commissioner of Police for approval.

• The Chief Licensing Officer will then write a reply to the applicant informing him/her the decision arrived at and the next course of action.

• The firearm certificate is renewable annually.


Following is the procedure for renewal of a firearm licence:-

(a). A licensee will receive in his postal address a CEDR – which means “Certificate expiry date reminder” enclosing a form 3 which is a renewal form and form 16 used for inspection of the firearms.

(b). The licensee will send his firearm certificate and firearms to his/her nearest Police Station and request the Officer-in-Charge to inspect the firearms and complete inspection certificate.

(c). To licence his/her firearms, the firearm certificate, a complete set of application forms, the completed inspection certificate and the appropriate renewal fee must be send by registered post to

Central Firearms Bureau,

P. O. Box 30263-00100,


(d). Cheques and postal orders must be made payable to the “Commissioner of Police” and crossed. The office accepts cash, money orders and Bankers cheques respectively.

(e). All Licensees should note that the Central Firearms Bureau is situated along ‘ MILIMANI ROAD' within the compound of the new Nairobi Area Police Headquarters.

(f). The above stated procedure is applicable only to licensees outside Nairobi Province.

(g). Those licensees within Nairobi Province should note the following:-

(i). On receipt of the application forms for renewal, they must take the relevant forms personally and should not send anyone else as this will not be allowed by the Licensing Officers.

(ii). This should be together with the appropriate fee.

(h). The Central Firearms Bureau will not accept personal cheques.


A firearm certificate or licence may be cancelled or revoked by the Chief Licensing Officer if:-

(a). He is satisfied that the holder is prohibited by or under this Act from possessing a firearm to which the firearm certificate relates, or is of intemperate habits or unsound mind or is otherwise unfit to be entrusted with a firearm or,

(b). The holder fails to comply with a notice under sub-section (5) requiring him to deliver up the firearm certificate.

In any case where a firearm certificate is revoked by a licensing Officer, he shall by a notice in writing, require the holder to surrender the firearm certificate, and if the holder fails to do so within fourteen days from the date of the notice, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings.

Provide that, where an appeal is brought against the revocation, this subsection shall not apply to that revocation unless the appeal is abandoned or dismissed, and shall, in that case, have effect as if for the reference to the date of the notice there were substituted a reference to the date on which the appeal was abandoned or dismissed.

If any person makes any statement which he knows to be false for the purpose of procuring, whether for himself or any other person, the grant of a firearm certificate under this section, or the variation or renewal of a firearm certificate he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings or to both.


Jogoo house A fourth floor along Taifa road.