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Directorate of ICT

The overall aim of the ICT is to improve the National Police Service operational efficiency by deploying new hardware using up-to-date technology that enable the Police to adopt more efficient working practices and new operating concepts. In progressing towards greater efficiencies, one of the IC3 aims is to bring together various elements of National Police Service operation to work as a more unified team.

Major Duties and Responsibilities


Emergency Call Centre (ECC) – ECC handle all incoming and outgoing public trunk calls in wake of emergency.

Dispatching Centre (DC) – DC dispatch, monitor and support operational resources efficiently and in a timely manner.

Critical Incident Management Suite (CIMS) – CIMS proactively and intelligently monitors public spaces and include:

  • CIMS plan and manage all the pre-planned and spontaneous major events through a defined escalation process to contain and manage a situation or an event through a clearly defined command structure. 
  • It contain integrated tools that merge information in an environment that provides leadership quick and accurate data to evaluate situations. 
  • Video Management System is responsible for displaying video streams Video-Based Incident Detection system based on intelligent analysis of the video streams of the CCTV Cameras.
  • Video Wall Management System (and video wall) to display video streams on the video wall.
  • Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Control System to control all ANPR equipment and archiving/retrieving recognized license plates.
  • Data Centre operate as a receiving and recording point for CCTV images that are available to the CCTV matrix for IC3 Centre. Images are displayed and, where appropriate, passed into the Dispatching Centre for viewing at work-stations and/or for display on the video-wall.