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Directorate of Police Reforms

The Office of the directorate of Police Reforms is headed by the Director who reports directly to the Inspector General of the National Police Service.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

• Day to day administration of the functions of the Reform Directorate

• Implementing the decisions of the IG.

• Facilitating preparation and implementation of the Service strategic and annual work plans.

• Implementing action plans as well as reviewing organisational performance against set targets.

• Formation and development of an efficient administration for reforms implementation

• Organization control and management of staff within the Reform Secretariat

• Resource Mobilisation and negotiating grants on police reforms with external bodies and development partners

• Ensuring the drawing up and approval of the required budget for the Directorate

• Ensuring monitoring and evaluation of the programmes and activities

• Developing relevant IEC materials on reforms and documentation of achievements

• Preparation of reports and sharing with relevant stakeholders

• Monitoring and evaluating departmental performance

• Performing any other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the IG.


The sections under the directorate are:

1. Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

2. National Police Transformation Programme Office

3. Policy Advisory Office

4. County Policing Authority & Community Policing Coordinator

5. Human Rights Programmes Office

6. International Cooperation & Benchmarking Coordinator