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Directorate of Legal

The office of the Director of Legal and Crime Affairs in the National Police Service was created by the Inspector General under section 10(b) (r) of the National Police Service Act which gives the powers to the Inspector General to organize the service at National level into various formations , Units or components and issue and document Service Standing Orders.  The Legal and Crime Affairs section is created under the current Standing Orders in all the three services and at the National Police Service headquarters to be directly responsible to the heads of the respective service and the Inspector General.

This is specifically made in order  for the legal officers to give direct legal opinion to their commanders and the Inspector General respectively.


Major Duties and Responsibilities
  • Coordination of legal matters within the National Police Service.
  • Giving of prompt legal advice to the Inspector General on matters touching the police services.
  • Representation of the Inspector General in Court, Taskforce, Conferences and Meetings where legal issues are concern.
  • Perusal of serious criminal and complaint against police files
  • Management of legal issues at National Police Service
  • Management of the legal office at National Police Service headquarters.
  • Forwarding of any serious criminal files to Director of Public Prosecution.
  • Smooth operationalization of the National Police Service Act, other relevant laws and Constitution.
  • Carrying out of sensitization on newly enacted laws and topical issues as it arises in the society.
  • Drafting of Memorandum Of Understanding and agreements with other organization where necessary.
  • Drafting and Commissioning of affidavits in the National Police Service.
  • Renewing, reviewing and evaluating contracts for various services within IG’s office.
  • Watching brief for the Inspector General in Court where the Inspector General is sued.
  • Apart from the above the office will also act as a depository headquarters of all the agreements, protocols, MOU’s signed between the National Police Service and any other organization.
  • Acting as a liaison office between National Police Service and Attorney General and DPP.
  • Participate in the enactment of relevant laws, policies and legal framework relating to police matters and amendment thereto.
  • And any other assignment given by the Inspector General.